The Center's ActivityA teacher - a guide. Individual seekers, questioners, An archive of teachings of wisdom, brought Such is the Center for Inner Initiative. The Center in Our Self
Awakening Inner ConsciousnessOrdinary life goes one way. The awakening of an inner consciousness goes another. How to bring them together - Everywhere one turns, someone is offering answers for sale. But a path that follows questions to an unsuspected height and depth, where answers must come from personal experiences, not just words, and questions find responses echoing ancient truths - this is rare. The first seekers and questioners had no dogmas, just a boundless curiosity for answers to questions that others felt there were no answers for. Today at the Center, any person can be a seeker and also have a rich trove of teachings to guide their search: the profound teachings of ancient initiatic wisdom, along with contemporary scientific, psychological and spiritual sources. Classes and Open TalksClasses at the Center focus on the awakening The aim is to find and live more often from You may call, email or write us at the following: |